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Daredevils dangle from the skids of a helicopter and soar above the Alps with only a wingsuit for protection. The GoPro Bomb Squad have spent the last five years travelling the world to showcase their ...

This is a series of videos on wingsuit flying techniques, varying from basic flocking maneuvers to advanced aerobatics. Wingsuit flying is a type of skydiving or controlled falling, and on thing you'l ...

If you've yet to witness B.A.S.E. jumping, it's an activity for adrenaline junkies first publicized by filmmaker Carl Boenish in '78. The freefall sport employs ram-air parachutes, and is most commonl ...

Wingsuits are an invention of the Gods. Why? Because they give human beings incredible superhuman powers. First in the gallery below, a compilation of world renown daredevil Jeb Corliss' most amazing ...

For some, adrenaline beats out every time. Though I've seen countless videos of base jumping, the sport never ceases to amaze. The video below, Last Walk Around Mirror Lake – Boom Bip (Boards of Canad ...

Who wouldn't like to experience soaring through the skies like Iron Man? Purincess Labs has created a device that may create a somewhat similar experience (okay, not quite... but similar, nonetheless) ...

Amazing compilation video of thrill-seeking junkies making insane jumps. The top ten covers everything from base jumping to skiing to motocross to finally, what might just be the most insane: back in ...

Felix Baumgartner plans to leap a record 120,000 feet, breaking four world records. If all goes well, Baumgartner will set records for highest altitude freefall, longest distance freefall, highest man ...

Dean Potter, one of National Geographic's Ten Adventurers of the Year, set a world record for base jumping in 2009. Via NatGeo: "On a sunny afternoon in mid-August, Dean Potter stepped onto a tongue o ...

Gliding + falconry = parahawking, a unique and exhilarating experience. Birds (vultures, eagles, hawks) are trained to "guide" a paraglider through thermals (columns of rising air in the lower altitud ...